Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Letter to Cameron

Dear Cameron Craig:

You are just about 1 year-old and I can’t believe how fast our first year with you went. We were so excited when we found out you were coming. Both Daddy and I thought you were going to be a girl but when you made your entrance, you were a boy! We were so happy and Zach was, and still is, proud to call you his little brother.

Right now you look a lot like me but have many of Daddy’s characteristics. You have beautiful blue eyes and I love them. Your giggles and squeals bring a smile to my face every time I hear them. You love to do whatever Zach is doing and are always getting into places you shouldn’t be. You can crawl so fast and in seconds you are across the room. Just yesterday, January 18th, you took 8 steps all by yourself. You are so proud of this and can’t wait to run. It won’t be long.

You are so loving and snuggle with Mommy and Daddy. You love our dog Blaze and call her Baa. You call out for Zach and say, Gaaack. You love to give high fives, this makes you laugh. You wave bye-bye and are just starting to not like when Mommy and Daddy walk away from you. You make it known when you are not happy!

You are persistent and a little stubborn, just like your Mom, Dad, and Brother so that’s ok. You come by that rightfully.

You love your green pacifier. You have it in your mouth all the time and sometimes are carrying another one in your hand. It might be hard to get that away from you when the time comes. Make it easy for us, ok?

You are growing like crazy and I still can’t believe that it was a year ago that I held you in my arms for the first time. I am always amazed how someone so little can change and grow so fast into a little person with his own personality.

You make me smile everyday. I walk into your room and you are standing in your crib, smiling and squealing. You just learned that you can make a noise when you inhale and this has turned into a laugh. It’s so cute.

You clap your hands when you are proud and we taught you the sign language for more and you use this all the time in your highchair- you love to eat!

Cameron, you are the fourth piece in our family puzzle. I cannot ask for more. You and your brother bring me so much joy. Sure we have some tough days, but at the end of the day we still love you more than you will ever know.

I am so excited to see what you are going to do as you grow. The possibilities are endless and there is nothing you can’t do.

I want you to know that Mommy and Daddy love you very much and you are very special to us. We will stand beside you all the way and can’t wait to watch you grow. I love you Buddy!


  1. Awesome letters Tonja! Your boys will appreciate these someday.

  2. Thanks! I am going to take your advice and make sure I get individual pictures with each of the boys. Your blog was so touching and I can't imagine how hard that was for your nurse. Keep up the good work. I love reading about your family! Good luck on the house selling/hunting. You'll find the perfect one!
