Monday, January 11, 2010

Letter to Zachary

I have read several letters that my friends have written to their children to mark a milestone or perhaps just to express how they were feeling about them. It has inspired me to do the same. I may not do it as eloquently as they, but here is my letter to Zach and Cameron’s will follow soon.

Dear Zachary Charles. You just turned 4 years-old. You are wise beyond your years. We all say you have a memory like your Daddy. You can remember details that I would not have even thought of and you have been doing this for over two years now. You can name every Firemen’s vehicle as you see them responding to a call. You ask, “Why?” not because it’s a habit but because you really want to know so you can remember it later.

You ask me about Heaven and why we can’t see God. I do my best to explain to you what we believe and that one day we will see him in all his glory. This past summer, we were swinging in the backyard and I mentioned that the clouds were moving fast that day. You looked up and said, “I wish I could fly high up above the clouds and see Great Uncle Darrel.” You only met him one time a few weeks before he passed but you can recall him and people you saw that day. You tell me you miss Great Grandma Heyen and remember that she lived in Geneva. You can point out the town as we drive by. You love to go to “School” Sunday school that is. We ask you what you learned about and you always say, “About God, I tell you that every time you ask me.” It makes us laugh.

You are right about things so much of the time it’s amazing. You are hilarious! We laugh all the time and you bring joy to my heart more so than you will ever know. You say such witty things or crack a joke at the silliest times. You play with a stethoscope and call it your “check-up scope.” You are like a breath of fresh air. I watch you as you learn things and I can see that you won’t forget.

You have your Dad’s eyes. Soft and green with eyelashes I am jealous of and wish I had. Your blonde hair is like mine and grows so fast. You get bed-head just like Dad and it makes us laugh in the mornings.

You can be stubborn and get that from myself and Daddy. You are persistent and well you get that from the two of us as well.

You hate bugs. You told me again today, when the temperature was 30 degrees that you don’t like any kids of bugs.

You love your fire boots and want to be a firefighter when you grow up. You also want to be many other things. I want you to be everything you dream of being and more.

You have a huge heart and love the title of Big Brother. Cameron looks up to you and you love playing with him. I can see the two of you having so many years of fun together and keeping me on my toes. If he is crying you say, “Don’t worry Cam, Big Brother is here, it’s ok.” It makes my heart melt to see the two of you together. You are my two very special boys.

It seems like yesterday that we were anxiously awaiting your arrival. We didn’t know if you were a boy or girl and could not wait to meet you. The second you were born Daddy said, “It’s a boy!” and then you went pee all over the place. It was so funny. When I got to hold you for the first time I could not even imagine a more perfect little person in the world. You were the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. A miracle, blessing, the third piece in our family puzzle. I talked to you and said, “Hi, I am your Mommy. What do you want your name to be?” Well we had lots of ideas but thought Zachary Charles would fit you the best and we were right!

Zach, I could keep writing for hours about you. I love you so much and try to tell you as often as I can. I am so proud to be your Mom and look forward to the years ahead. I know you will continue to make me proud. I will always be here to stand beside you and pick you up when you fall. Thank you for the best 4 years. I can’t wait to see what 2010 and beyond holds for you and our family. I love you Zach!

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