Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Watch out world

Cameron has officially started to walk all by himself. On Monday the 18th, he took 8 steps for Grandma Vyhnalek, Aunt Allison and Zach. Today he walked across the room to me all by himself stopping to regain his balance several times. I forgot how cute those first moments are and just how proud he is of himself. It is funny to watch him move along the furniture from one to another and just spot something, think about it and then takes steps and go for it. Sure he falls down a lot, but he gets right back up and tries again. When that fails, he resorts back to crawling which he is really good at and is REALLY fast!!

Zach is equally amazed at this new phase of Cameron's life. He laughs and is sure to tell me when Cam is walking on his own. We all clap and make a big production out of those moments. Cameron claps along and squeals with pride! It's so much fun.

Zach is going through a phase where he does not want to take a nap. He is 4 so I can understand that there are days he might just need some down-time to rest but in my opinion he needs a nap! He starts to get crabby and cranky around supper time and well we all know that is no fun. Suddenly whatever we cooked for supper is "icky" and his "tummy doesn't like it very much." He has a line for everything. So for now we will continue to "rest our eyes" in the afternoon. I laugh to myself when I go in his room in the evenings and find books, puzzle pieces, flashlights, cars, trucks and hard hats. So much for resting in bed during nap time. I think a lot more playing is being done, but hey at least he is being quiet.

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