Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bring you up to speed

I have been thinking about blogging since Cameron was born and I was going to get the opportunity to stay at home with the boys. I thought I would have plenty of time to get started and keep everyone updated on what we are doing. Well as you can see Cameron is now 4 months and I am just getting started. Better late then never I say. So here is a little jump start and information about our family.

My name is Tonja and I am staying home with my two boys, Zachary who is 3 and Cameron who turned 4 months on May 26th. I work Mondays at First State Bank in Wilber as a Teller. This also happens to be the same bank my husband Craig work's as an Insurance Agent. We can car-pool that day after dropping the boys off at daycare so that is nice.

There is so much to know about me and those of you who already know me will be reminded of how I am reading these blogs. :) I am adjusting to the role of a stay at home mom and really love it. I have my days where I just want to get away for awhile, but don't get me wrong, the good times out-weigh the bad there is no doubt. More about me later....

Craig, the Dad, works full time and extra hard so I am able to stay home. He has found his calling and is excellent at what he does. So for those of you who need an insurance quote, just let me know and I can hook you up with a fantastic agent. Craig and I are both Volunteer Firefighters and EMT-B's on the Crete Fire Department. I have been on the dept. since 2002 and Craig much longer. He is the Rescue Captain and in charge of our transfer ambluance so that is something that keeps us busy. I have of course slowed down on my responses to calls due to having the boys, but my in-laws are close and some days I make a call or two if they are around to watch them.

Zach turned 3 on November 10th. He is full of life and never ceases to amaze us with his wonderful memory. He strikes up a conversation with just about everyone and is always wanting to know, "How's your day?" If you ask him he will reply, "Mine was busy, really busy. I had a lot to do." He is very funny and witty. I think he gets most of that from his father. Zach is a very kind and loving kid but is all boy when it comes down to it. I am learning all about how dirty little boys can get in just minutes and have come to realize that my house will always be a little dirty. I can think of worse things.

Cameron turned 4 months on May 26th. We thought Cameron was going to be a girl. My pregnancy was so different than with Zach but when he was born he was clearly a boy. What a total surprise. We didn't find out the sex with either pregnancy. Cameron is also a great baby but much different than his brother was at this age. Zach was sleeping through the night at 3 months, Cameron did for one week and decided that was enough. We are now getting up at least once in the night usually around 4:30 or 5 to eat and then he goes back to sleep. It really is not that bad now. I forgot how rough the first few months really can be. I like to sleep and of course now having two little people around it doesn't always happen and naps for mom are rare. We are making it.

Well I am going to use this blog to keep family and friends updated on what we are doing. You can also checkout my facebook page which will also have many of the same pictures as we go and ones that are already out there. I hope you enjoy our blog and would love to hear your feedback. More to come.....


  1. Good Job Tonja. I have always wanted to do a blog too, maybe once I have the little one so I will have something to blog about!

  2. I love the blog Tonja! I will try to put a link to yours on mine.

  3. I love it!! I'll add you to our page too. :) Let me know if you have questions about the technical part... some of it took me a while to figure out. :o)
