Friday, June 12, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Here is a little video of Zach at Vacation Bible School. He is obviously the one in the middle, not the little boy standing so still….keep watching it gets very funny towards the end and remember this is only part of one song. Oh my, I can’t imagine what the Christmas program will be like, or can I? We practiced his songs at home and he sang very well and even danced a little. They were all so funny to watch. Craig, Cameron, and I as well as Grandpa and Grandma Vyhnalek, and Aunt Allison were able to make it and he was performing for us all. At one time he was trying to raise his eyebrows and move his forehead like Craig does to be funny, why he chose to do it up there I don’t know but it was hilarious!!! We laughed so hard.

Check it out:

Wasn't that funny? Oh my. He keeps us entertained to say the least.

In other news, I am painting a hutch that my sister Melissa and her boyfriend TJ gave us. I am going to put it in our dining room and am painting it dark purple to match the accent wall. I have taken over the garage on the side where Craig parks "Blue Betty" our Buick La Sabre. Poor thing, I think she will be OK. (That is a hint of sarcasm if you didn't catch it.) The first coat of paint is drying and the second one will be going on soon. Of course I pick one of the most humid days to paint. It rained this morning and was just raining a second ago while the sun was shining. I will have pictures of it when it is all nice and settled in the house.


  1. i have watched the vbs video several times and i cannot stop laughing! i love him!

  2. Oh my gosh I was crying from laughter. He is such a little ham, I think he has a lot of daddy in him! I like how at the end he is just back in position like the few secondes before never happened. I think you will have a lot of crazy times ahead of you.
